NFL Passers is currently looking for advertising and sponsorship opportunities. If you would like advertise or be a sponsor on, please send an e-mail to
Utilize the thousands of daily unique visitors to NFL Passers!
Advertisers have many options on NFL Passers. You can be a proud sponsor or you can advertise in a more discrete way. Either one is perfectly acceptable and the terms and monetary agreements are always negotiable.
Here are some of the options:
Text Links: Text links can be placed basically anywhere you want. These are perfect for the advertiser who wants to be more discrete about their sponsorship.
Header Banner: We can put a banner at the top on the page. The banner size is 728X90.
Sidebar Banners: A skyscraper banner can be placed basically anywhere you want on the right sidebar. The size can be 300 X 250 or 160 X 600.
Footer Banner: We can put a banner at the bottom of the page. The size is 728X90. Or you can place any type of banner (300 X 250) or text link in the footer.
Static text links after any post: You can place text links that will show up after every 1st post, 2nd post, 3rd post, etc…. This optimizes the chance of the readers seeing your link as well as optimizing search engine results.
Text link within any post: You can place a text link inside a post. This is a much cheaper method and is priced per post rather than a monthly or annual contract.
Sponsorship: Have a company that has anything related to football? Throw me some cool stuff to give away to my readers and I would love to plug your company or website. We can do contests, trivia, or giveaways to utilize the product and make it beneficial for both you and my readers.